Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Brain fart

Craziest thing..I was in bed, eyes shut when ZAP! Like one of those bug zapper sparks right in my eyes, noise and everything. Freaked me out. No clue where it came from.
Gotta ease up on the caffeine methinks, holy shit.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Over did it last night..head is just pounding, feel empty and drained, a lil silly too, wondering" Did I make any calls, write any e-mails, Blog?" No, thank god. Shoulda known better ta stay away from the hard stuff.

Oh hey, not what ya think, I don't drink, to much THINKING last night, gotta ease up on that.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Well shit..

..apparently there are comments, had no idea, cool :)

Friday, January 16, 2009


The seeqpod is down for maintenance, bummer.
(note to self: put back seeqpod widget when it's back up, it's not broke, deleting was unnecessary oops)

Furnace was broke..very cold..3 days..sucked..have become very attached to my blanky..er blanket..

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year.

..just once I wish it was a big deal ya know? Bedtime for the kids, that's about it. The holidays are a breeze it's the next couple months..mouse is back, careful mouse or I'll make a special resolution just for you! Really should put a trap down :/ Anyways, resolutions..hmm bin feeling very antagonistic these last couple days and don't feel like giving up what few vices I have left so maybe I'll make/start some later.