Thursday, May 8, 2008


Bin wandering 'round the marsh and beach a lot lately, the result is that My face is burned, not peeling but super sensitive.
..and the mouse is no longer in the house, I found it in the garbage which I promptly tied up and disposed of in the bin.
Met a old couple at the marsh yesterday on the boardwalk. They were trying to feed the chickadees and not having much sucess. I gave them my wild bird seed and they had better luck. I marveled at how child like in there enthusiasm they seemed hands out, a look of wonder on there faces. The lady actaully got down on her knees to look over the edge of the boardwalk to marvel at a turtle that had crawled underneath. I imagined possible histories for them that brought them to this point in there lives..killed some time while I ate lunch, and those pesky chickadees were distracted :)

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