Sunday, September 14, 2008

Splish Splash

It'd bin a long, hot, muggy weekend. Was feeling rather blah this evening and was annoyed that the kids seemed to be still out even though it was getting dark. To top it off it was starting to rain. I found them at the park squeeing(that a word?), splashing in puddles. There was a couple other kids there, there mothers chatting under a overhang protected by the rain. Didn't have the heart ta call them in but if they were to stay out I'd have ta watch them. I tried not ta think about the fact that at one time or other I'd fantasized about both the women there..I knew them both, they were talking very loudly about insensitive boyfriends, going to the club, lack of freedom, the usaul. I situated myself at a respectable distance because I couldn't get those damn fantasies outa my head and was feeling rather warm. Fortunately the kids saved me by surrounding me and playing paddycake on my bald spot. Was kinda nice being out in the rain, very cool.

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