Friday, August 29, 2008

My bad

So..needless ta say I owed my landlord an apology today..which I gave of course, he was pretty cool about it. What, what, so I went a LIL overboard. It occurs to me that I may be a wee bit edgy of late, probably because I seem to have put myself into a repetitive loop of work eat sleep and the kids on the weekend, which I really have a problem with but with it being summer holidays I don't have the heart ta drop the wee ones off at their mom's at 7 in the morning, don't think mom would be to thrilled either. Almost time for them to go back to school though, be possible then, maybe I'll take them for a swim again in the mornings like I did last fall, the Y's showers are probably cleaner then mine anyways :P
Seems my kids are adjusting to there father less a day a week ok, don't seemed that bothered actually..*sniff*

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