Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Random thoughts..

Rumble,rumbldy(rumbldy?)clank,roar..some tracked vehicles rolled/tracked by as they tend ta do every once in a while(armory nearby.) I was thinkin', to me it's just a nuisance, but I wonder maybe if there's some newly arrived immigrant family from say some oppressed country was thinking something totally different at. The. Exaxt..(Exaxt, there's such a word? Spellcheck seems to think so..*note to self-google"Exaxt") EXACT same time asIwashavingmytrivialthoughtsaboutaforementioned..sounds.*Exaxt..curious* ANYwho, lost my train of thought :/
War machines bad, but badder for some people..that may have bin my point myeah.

The pope is insane! Well in my dream last night anyways. In my dream the pope..shouldn't the first P in "pope" be capitalized? Looks kinda off, like a "mini-me" version..reminds me of a story/joke I used ta tell, a really long joke about the misadventures of a box of purple ping-pong balls and like this post never really goes anywhere.

Think my caffien.. aw c'mon! "Caffien??? That how ya spell it? I normally have a very harmonious( Jesus, every word just looks WRONG today) relationship with my spellchecker but today..oye think I just woke up silly today. Supercalifragilisticespyalodocious! ...think the checker is out ta lunch taday, IT's buying, I paid last time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, that one was almost painful to read. Random is right!