Sunday, June 15, 2008

Rise and ebb

I was just full of it earlier..yesterday too, but now..myah.
But I gotta post somthin', bin a while. So..
Self: Sorry, got nothin'.
Rainin', yup. Usaully that's a good thing ta get the juices flowin'.
..not today though.
Self: Notice your talkin' to yourself, maybe ya could talk about your mental problems..
Bite me.
Ommmmumumum, speakin of moms! Nah, too tedious.
Self: Give it up.
Self: Hey, how bout that hot babe ya talked to at the marsh today?
Oh ya right, what were the first words out of my mouth again?
Self: I think they were-
Hey I don't think your allowed to walk your dog here!
Self: Smooth.
Self: Ya kinda smelled like goose poo too I think.
Self: So we doin' the "Self" thing then?
Apparently, cause your just so fuckin' fun to talk to!
Sorry, notice the fangs on her?
Yeah, pointy things in her mouth.
Self: And ya noticed this..why exactly?
I dunno, was wondering why myself.
Self: and?
And what? I was roaming around in the woods all day maybe I was feeling..Primal, I dunno what the fuck?
Self: You need help.
I know, she did have a nice bum though eh?
Self: Oh yeah.
Self: Be gentle.
Fuck you! I aint playin' tonight!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Bruce's self.....

B's self - Hello there, been a while since I talked to you

What can I say, its been a busy few years.

B's self - Yes life does have a tendency to get in the way of things

It would appear the big guy is a bit bitchy on this one. What did you do to him?

B's self - Wasn't me who inserted foot into mouth, big guy did that all on his own. He was just pissy that he blew a golden opportunity. 'Can't walk your dog here', where does he come up with these??? It's embarrassing sometimes ya know.

Work on him would you please

B's self - I'm trying, believe me, I'm trying....