Sunday, December 28, 2008

Treasure hunt

Kids are off looking for treasure this afternoon, so far they've found a decanter bottle top and a worn Pontiac emblem. As they went off to resume there hunt I caught myself belittling it a lil, even being a lil condescending. Then it occurred to me that I do the same thing when I go on my photo jaunts..what was my point? Should probably go with them, funny I remember when it was my mission ta show them new and interesting things, bin slackin' lately. Maybe they're missing that?(parent angst today!)
Woke up right"off" today, could hardly put 2 thoughts together, was unsettled, unsure took like 3 cups of coffee ta get "on". Had a word for that feeling, even wrote a poem about it once..I'd say what that word was but it's my password for everything hahaha

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